Family BBQ


Michael Jackson Moves

His music and dance moves inspired me throughout the years... Rest In Paradise

Snow Leopard


Chow Chow




From Critical Lives: Che Guevara Quote

Critical Lives: Che Guevara
"Alta Gracia remarked on Che's tendency to hang out with the poorer children rather than those more like him. As Ernestito's household became the gathering place for many of the neighborhood children, there were more of them at the dinner table than just those named Guevara. Among them were many from the poorer sections of town. Discrimination never seemed to be a family trait. When faced with more mouths, the family would simply divide what they had into smaller portions. It is impossible to imagine that these simple acts of sharing by his mother would not have affected Ernestito. He saw firsthand that it was not only fair and right to love your neighbor, it was natural. The image of a dinner table with room for all was never far from his mind in later years as he struggled to eradicate social inequalities."

Farabundo... FMLN


Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional... My parents
got these wine bottles at an FMLN event... I think its great... let his face be known!

Ronaldinho Freestyle

I guess I feel more latino now a days... haha maybe its because I'm about to go to El Salvador... or maybe it's because I saw the Brazil Vs. Italy game today. Anyway I have been practicing my soccer skills... Ronaldinho is my number one inspiration because he's raw. Happy Father's Day

Masacre de El Mozote


Learning my history



I have never been too fond of drawing... I never had time to draw because it's so time consuming.. that's why I would rather paint when I was younger. Now that I'm older... I have learned patience is a virtue.



Ronaldinho As A Kid


Be Water My Friend


Oakes Mural


Leron's Bike




My parents gave me the middle name Ernesto because they were inspired by Ernesto "Che" Guevara. The name Ernesto comes from the Italian and Spanish form of Latin Ernestus, meaning "battle (to the death), serious business." Any physical sport I do my drive and mentality has been to fight till death.. haha well not literally but until I cant breathe anymore. I'm always trying to improve myself and those around me... because it would be selfish of me to just improve myself.