Chameleon Painting


I have been fascinated by chameleons ever since I was a little kid... now that I'm grown.. I can afford one... so I bought one... he's been a blessing... he relaxes me and connects me to nature... the wonders of nature.. the simplicity and beauty

Ball, Paint, Strawberries






So I bought this new DLSR Olympus camera because I like photography as well. My friend Mike has been photographing for a while we kicked it and he schooled me on how to use these bad boy cameras. He uses a Nikon D80.. its clean.

Oakes Mural Video

This video was filmed by my academic Advisor at Oakes College. In return, for using Raf and I for his video, he gave us a bunch of free canvases and took us out to lunch. More canvas= more art! He rocks. Thanks Homayun


Yes I know it is true
I write to write
To create something in these blank spaces
Blank walls
Blank minds
No colors
I can’t see you
You walk around like a robot
I don’t get you
They call you average
They call you successful
I laugh because I’m really not you
But what the hell defines you?
What defines me?
Better yet
Who defines you?
I’m glad I’m not you
Cuz you listen to others
While I question others
Call me paranoid
Why are you so paranoid?
I live the life I made
Yes I created it
Like I create my art
All it really is…is
No, never
it’s called
Ideas and thoughts
That I claim are mine
Because I own it
It’s my ‘originality’
But lets be real
And please keep it real
I’m sure others have thought it
Either way
Once I’m done with it
And share it
You can use it
Then others will use it
And a cycle will be created
Knowledge spread
Like graffiti did art
I will live forever
In these cycles we have created
Well, I have to break them
Then change them
Because I don't like them
They aren't fair
They are old
And I am something new
So, If I wont
Who will?
I don't care I'll risk it
For what its worth

That’s why I write



This painting and essay was done on MAY 21st, 2008 for my intro to 2D foundtion

Painting people is though for me to accomplish. Many of my paintings consist of animals and nature. In contrast to this piece titled “Poor Boy”. I wanted to give an urban feel to the painting and human reality.
The painting process and creating volume was challenging for me to execute. I have not been taught how to paint bodies or faces. In order to accomplish skin tone, the use of mixing colors with white to create different hues was new to me. Layering paint was the main technique I used. Layer after layer of paint, brings out the vibrant colors of acrylics. Using white was important for the highlights of the skin in order to give it depth and a three dimensional effect. I used no black in the painting except for the wall background. To accomplish what looks black are, dark shades of brown. What brings out the urban street life is the gray and white used as a wall in the background.
The painting as a whole represents the poor child. In a sense this poor child has double meaning. Although this child lives on the meager streets of any city of Latin America, he is smiling. What does it really mean to be poor and homeless? The child alone on the floor is enjoying a moment in life. The contradiction viewed in the painting is whether or not money and social class define a person. Homeless children can live out their lives happy. I portrayed this image because living in El Salvador I would see countless poor children in the streets but what I found interesting is their happiness towards life. Children bring about joy and high spirits upon the world. To witness such an event lets me know that humans do not need money in order to have happiness. Growing up in the United States I am conditioned to think money equals happiness. Although this child may look poor, I pose the question, is he poor by spirit? I am trying to break away from the standards and stereotypes I see and paint the reality that I observe through my life experiences.

Mara Salvatrucha Series


La Mara Salvatrucha... This series is meant to open peoples eyes about the issue of maras in central america and the united states. I can't blame my young latino brothers for their crimes, rapes, robbery and drugs. I wish there were some other alternative they can turn to, but the sad truth is they can't. The high poverty rates in El Salvador drive my brothers to get money by any means necessary in order to survive day by day. The violent history of El Salvador has contributed to this epidemic. Know your history... La Mara Salvatrucha was created in the United States of America. So, who exactly am I to blame? still searching for truth.. enjoy the images

Frisco Mural

Pictures Taken by Ciro

Getting close to finishing
