Random Fact: Vernon Davis an Artist

Vernon Davis was an Art major in college. This interview was taken from http://www.sanjosemagazine.com/main/?p=911

What would people be most surprised to discover about you? That I am an artist and that I paint. When I tell people that I paint, they get all amazed.

When did you become interested in art? During my sophomore year of college. I had never done anything dealing with art in high school or junior high school. It kind of came out of nowhere. I had an academic counselor, and she saw me taking some lessons in college and told me, “Vernon, you’re pretty good at this. Maybe you should change your major or take more classes.” So I said, “I’ll think about it.” Before you know it, I changed my major, and art has been one of the things I’ve been doing regularly.”

Vernon Davis MNF, originally uploaded by italian_freedom_fighter.

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